Solana: web3js@2 How can i call getFeeForMessage?

Here’s an article with a solution on how to call the getFeeForMessage RPC function in Solana using Web3.js@2.

Getting Started

To use the getFeeForMessage RPC function, you’ll need to have installed and configured Web3.js@2. Here are some steps to get started:

  • Install Web3.js@2:

npm install web3 @web3/solidity-abi-transformer solana

  • Initialize the Web3 provider:

const Web3 = require("web3");

const providerUrl = "

const provider = new Web3(new Web3.providers.HttpProvider(providerUrl));

Calling getFeeForMessage

The getFeeForMessage RPC function is called with a message that contains the data to be paid for. Here’s an example of how you can call it:

const messages = [


id: "fee",

message: "10 SOL"


// Add more messages as needed


const feeMessage = messages[0].message; // 10 SOL

Calling getFeeForMessage with a JSON object

If you have a JSON object containing the data to be paid for, you can call getFeeForMessage like this:

const jsonData = {

id: "fee",

message: { type: "solidity", address: "0x...your_solana_address...", amount: 10 }


const feeJsonObject = JSON.stringify(jsonData);

Passing the data to getFeeForMessage

The getFeeForMessage function takes a string or a JSON object as an argument. To pass the data, you’ll need to use either of the following methods:

Method 1: Passing as a string

You can convert the JSON object to a string and pass it as an argument:

const feeJsonString = JSON.stringify(jsonData);

getFeeForMessage(feeJsonString); // Note: This will not work, as getFeeForMessage expects a string or a JSON object.

Method 2: Passing directly to the function

Alternatively, you can pass the data directly to the getFeeForMessage function:

const fee = {

id: "fee",

message: {

type: "solidity",

address: "0x...your_solana_address...",

amount: 10





Here’s an example of how to call the getFeeForMessage function with a JSON object:

const jsonData = {

id: "fee",

message: { type: "solidity", address: "0x...your_solana_address...", amount: 10 }


const feeJsonObject = JSON.stringify(jsonData);

provider.send("getFeeForMessage", [feeJsonObject]).then((result) => {


}).catch((error) => {



By following these steps and using the correct method to pass the data, you should be able to call the getFeeForMessage RPC function successfully in your Solana application.

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